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Tarot imagery: A transformative mirror to the soul

Alberto Parra

Long before tarot was considered a divination tool, it was aimed at figuring out people and situations to understand better what happens and why. It has always been an excellent mirror to the soul, and the intricate tarot imagery serves as a key to deciphering those hidden patterns, sparking curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

After reading this piece, you will understand why images in tarot are so important and why some tarot readers use different decks with varying designs.

Unveiling the power of Tarot imagery and the unconscious mind

Archetypes, as described by psychologist Carl Jung, are universal patterns that correspond to states of the human psyche. These primordial images are constantly found in myths and fairy tales because they are part of a collective unconscious. What tarot does with these archetypes is represent them in a card with deep meanings.

A combination of cards in a tarot shuffle reveals associations of different archetypes and their relationships. So, instead of reading them at first sight, why don’t we take a bit more time to examine the universal pattern they convey?

Doing so can help you transition from unconscious to conscious. Your inner world unfolds, and more than mere events and predictions, you gain insight into the patterns that hide within the fog of a complex mind and society.

But then, the same imagery that helped you figure out tarot readings may become a limited view because they often show an angle of a complex archetype that cannot be reduced to a simple image. That’s why most professional tarot readers buy additional decks with optional imagery. Connecting with new tarot images can help deepen your readings and understand the complexity of the archetype beyond a single representation.

How tarot reveals patterns and elevates consciousness

In a tarot card reading, each shuffle represents an intermediary between our inner world and the rational perception that turns everything into facts and figures. We can either go directly to events and the answers we’re looking for or give shape to emotions and thoughts that would otherwise remain hidden in the unconscious mind.

But even if you don’t have time for insightful reading and want a clear answer to show up and go on with your life, remember that there are thousands of possibilities behind each concise answer in tarot. What tarot shows are not hard facts but energies on the move, and images are a limited representation of such energies.

How to deepen tarot meanings and expand on each archetype

Most people start by learning tarot meanings and combinations with a classic maze such as Rider-Waite or Marseille. That’s perfectly fine because they contain many hidden gems readers will encounter in time.

But after you get used to them, why don’t you challenge yourself with a new deck with alternative imagery? Explore how such new imagery expands your understanding of the archetype, achieving slight modifications to your readings.

Once you get acquainted with a second maze, it will be easier to remember the representation of the same card in a different maze. Examine how such deepening of the arcane can change your understanding of the shuffle.

And if you want to go beyond representations, why don’t you try something new? Use a tarot maze with symbolic representations of each archetype instead of the usual scenery with characters and concise messages. Try these mazes when you feel ready for them, and experience how they expand your connection with your cards.

After a while, you will better understand archetypes beyond a simple representation, using different images to explore the various angles of each card. Continue practicing, and don’t forget to take extra time to investigate and ask profound and insightful questions.

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