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Faerie Wisdom: Includes 52 Magical Message Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book
Contributor(s): Kemp, Gillian (Author)
Publisher: Cico     (View Publisher's Titles)
ISBN: 1800653190
Physical Info: 1.7" H x 6.8" L x 5.5" W (1.0 lbs)

Whimsical and beautiful illustrations...the guidebook is full of history and fairy lore - Musing Mystical

Page after page draws readers into the magical world as [faeries'] customs, rituals, foods, occupations, habitat, and means of transportation are introduced...Readers will come to know elves, trolls, house spirits, mermaids, brownies, the merpeople, and answer questions about life, love, and the future - Pagan Pages

Biographical Note:
Gillian Kemp is a best-selling author and clairvoyant who can prophesy the future using astrology, tarot cards, playing cards, crystal balls, palmistry, tea leaves, flowers, and dreams. Gillian's books and card decks have been popular in many countries including the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, and Japan, among many others. She is the author of C eltic Goddesses and Their Spells, The Tree Magick Oracle Deck, and The Modern Wiccan Box of Spells. Gillian lives in Bedfordshire, UK.

Faerie Wisdom: Includes 52 Magical Message Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book

SKU: 9781800653191
$33.99 Regular Price
$30.59Sale Price
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