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Fairy Tale Tarot
Contributor(s): Hunt, Lisa (Author)
Publisher: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.     (View Publisher's Titles)
ISBN: 1646712137 
Physical Info: 1.82" H x 5.29" L x 3.77" W (0.78 lbs) 156 pages


Lisa Hunt has always loved fairy tales and has spent many years studying stories from around the world. She is the creator/illustrator of many well-known divinatory decks including Fairy Tale Lenormand Deck, Pastoral Tarot, Fantastical Creatures Tarot, Ghosts & Spirits Tarot, and Winged Enchantment Oracle, all published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. She affectionately calls her home Fairy Tale Corners and lives in Florida with her husband Kort, daughter Kyra and their cats.

Fairy Tale Tarot

SKU: 9781646712137
$29.95 Regular Price
$26.96Sale Price
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