Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor (1ST ed.)
Contributor(s): Ross, George H (Author) , McLean, Andrew James (With) , Trump, Donald J (Foreword by)
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 9780471774341
Physical Info: 0.7" H x 9.0" L x 6.04" W (0.66 lbs) 256 pagesTrump Strategies for Real Estate offers unbeatable insider advice for every serious real estate investor--beginners and old pros alike. For more than twenty-five years, author George Ross has been one of Donald Trump's chief advisors and intimately involved with many of Trump's biggest real estate deals. Now, Ross teams up with bestselling real estate author Andrew McLean to present Trump's real estate investment strategies so that even small investors can invest like Trump. You'll learn how Trump identifies potential properties and how he finances, negotiates, and markets his big deals. Not everyone has Trump's money or name, but everyone, even you, can use his tactics and strategies to win big in real estate.
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SKU: 9780471774341
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