Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck: Includes 52 Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated Book
Contributor(s): Comisari, Manda (Author)
Publisher: Cico (View Publisher's Titles)
ISBN: 1800651619
Physical Info: 1.6" H x 6.8" L x 5.5" W (1.0 lbs)Manda Comisari is an illustrator based in London with a Masters of Fine Art in Illustration from the University of Edinburgh. Her work has been recognised by The Society of Animals Artists, The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation and BuzzFeed, among others. Manda has enjoyed a lifelong fascination with the animal world and has over twelve years of experience in spiritual work and energy healing. Follow Manda on Instagram @mandacomisari.
Publisher Marketing:
Embark on a journey of personal transformation through the lessons of 52 uncommon and fascinating animals in this oracle deck filled with striking illustrations and powerful messages from the natural world.We have a lot to learn even from the most unusual of creatures! Step into the remarkable world of nature, spirit, and curiosity with the guidance of the Unusual Animal Messages oracle deck. Composed of 52 illustrated cards, each with captivating artwork and a daily reading for self-empowerment, along with a 64-page illustrated book, discover the wisdom of nature's most uncommon and intriguing animals. Including the blue-ringed octopus, mudskipper, and axolotl, the animals each have a lesson for us, drawn from their characteristics and traits that emphasize how we're not so different from our animal counterparts after all, and the lessons can be connected to our own life experiences. The cards encourage mindfulness and being observant about past behavior, recurring themes, unresolved upsets, or difficult situations and to address them honestly and openly. We are also reminded to live happily, take time for ourselves, and wholeheartedly enjoy the little things in life.
Contributor Bio:Comisari, Manda
Manda Comisari is an illustrator based in London, UK, with a Masters of Fine Art in Illustration from the University of Edinburgh. Her work has been recognized by The Society of Animals Artists, The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, and BuzzFeed, among others. Manda has a lifelong deep fascination with the animal world and is a certified Theta Healer with twelve years of experience in energy work. Her spirit animal is the tenacious Honey Badger. Follow Manda on Instagram @mandacomisari.
Unusual Animal Messages Oracle Deck: Includes 52 Cards and a 64-Page Illustrated
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